Reporting Housing Fraud
Committing fraud is a violation of the Section 8 program’s rules and responsibilities. Florence Housing Authority will take action against applicants, program participants and owners who commit fraud, bribery and other corrupt or criminal acts. Program participants who commit fraud could be required to repay all overpaid rental assistance and/or have their Section 8 assistance terminated.
If you know or suspect someone who commits fraud, bribery or other corrupt or criminal acts, please report it immediately by calling the Housing Choice Voucher Department at 256-740-5217, Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., to make an anonymous complaint.
Anything reported is strictly confidential. Due to privacy laws, Florence Housing Authority may not provide any information about program participants or the outcome of an investigation. Intentional misreporting of information may be actionable and subject to criminal investigation.